Brocade ICX 7450 one LAG interface up and down issue

Hi experts,we have brocade ICX 7450 switches, using for Core and distribution, core and distribution are connected to each other by of the distribution’s LAG interface port getting up and down continuously. i have checked there no any cable issue, no CRC errors on both interface , even i enabled optic monitoring on distribution’s interface eth1/2/1 to check if there any optic issue, but that also ok.i unable fix the issue, need your help to  fix the issueConfiguration as below ————————————————————-Core Switchlag 4WH dynamic id 4 ports ethe 1/3/4 ethe 2/3/4  port-name “##Connected to 4WH DIST eth 1/2/2##” ethernet 1/3/4 port-name ###Downlink_To_DIST### ethernet 2/3/4————————————————————-Distribution switchlag 4WH dynamic id 1 ports ethe 1/2/1 to 1/2/2  port-name ###Uplink_to_Access_SW### ethernet 1/2/1 port-name ##Connected_to_5.1_CoreSwitch_onPort_1/3/4### ethernet 1/2/2————————————————————–Log on distributionFri Feb 22 04:23:55 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:23:56 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:24:00 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:01 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Fri Feb 22 04:24:00 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:01 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:24:08 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:09 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Fri Feb 22 04:24:09 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:10 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:24:27 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:28 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Fri Feb 22 04:24:28 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:24:29 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:27:46 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:27:46 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Fri Feb 22 04:27:46 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:27:47 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:27:47 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:27:48 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Fri Feb 22 04:27:48 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:27:49 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state down Fri Feb 22 04:27:48 2019;; <14> Feb 22 04:27:49 WL_P1_D4-4WH-FA_L3-B7450_5.16 System: Interface ethernet 1/2/1, state up Note : this issue suddenly started otherwise everything was good.OS ver on both switches : ver 08.0.70bT213Thanks