ICX 7150 48P – VoIP Phones

Good morning,I have 2 ICx 7150 switches in stack.This is my configCurrent configuration:!ver 08.0.80dT211!stack unit 1  module 1 icx7150-48p-poe-port-management-module  module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module  module 3 icx7150-4-sfp-plus-port-40g-module  stack-port 1/3/1 1/3/3stack unit 2  module 1 icx7150-48p-poe-port-management-module  module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module  module 3 icx7150-4-sfp-plus-port-40g-module  stack-port 2/3/1 2/3/3stack enablestack mac d4c1.9e26.4c9bstack suggested-id 1!!!!!vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port!vlan 100 name XXX by port tagged ethe 1/1/25 ethe 1/1/37 to 1/1/48!vlan 105 name XXX_VOIP by port tagged ethe 1/1/48 untagged ethe 1/1/25!vlan 125 name XXX_MANAGEMENT by port tagged ethe 1/1/48 untagged ethe 1/1/37 to 1/1/46!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaa authentication web-server default localaaa authentication enable default localaaa authentication login default localaaa authentication login privilege-modeenable super-user-password …..hostname XXX_SW01_LABip address default-gateway!username admin password …..cdp runfdp run!!clock timezone gmt GMT+01hitless-failover enable!!sz active-list!!!!lldp run!!!!!endI have 3 VLANs100 – Date105 – VoIP125 – MGMTOn the 1/1/25 port (Vlan 105) I attached a VoIP phone (SNOM) that correctly takes an IPIn fact, through the “sh lldp neighbors” command I see itHow can I make the other phone’s port release an IP of the VLAN 100 to be able to connect a PC (The Dual-Mode command is disabled)? Thank you