ICX 7450-48P POE issues

Installed over 200+ 7450’s with ip phones and cameras connected to switches. Currently we have several that are “working” sort of. Essentially POE is working great until I had to replace a camera the other day. Put new one up plugged in no POE, Tested with a Fluke Tester no POE, so I was like weird I guess I’ll reboot the stack pull power and maybe that will fix it. Used CLI to check config on port 1/1/8 everything was good enabled and inline power. Still was not working and still not working to this day trying to figure out if there is a POE defect that needs to be updated to fix. It is all ports on the switch not just 2/1/6, 7 ,8. I unplugged a working device and then plugged back in and it would also not come back online with POE. We are using LLDP as well.Here is running config of stack with issue and poe details.Current configuration:!ver 08.0.30hT211!stack unit 1  module 1 icx7450-48p-poe-management-module  module 2 icx7400-xgf-4port-40g-module  module 3 icx7400-qsfp-1port-40g-module  module 4 icx7400-qsfp-1port-40g-module  priority 255  stack-port 1/3/1 1/4/1stack unit 2  module 1 icx7450-48p-poe-management-module  module 2 icx7400-xgf-4port-40g-module  module 3 icx7400-qsfp-1port-40g-module  module 4 icx7400-qsfp-1port-40g-module  stack-port 2/3/1 2/4/1stack enablestack mac 609c.9fc5.2bd0!!!!vlan 4 name Printers by port                                       tagged ethe 1/2/1  untagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/5 ethe 2/1/1 to 2/1/5 ethe 2/1/11 ethe 2/1/30 ethe 2/1/40 ethe 2/1/43 to 2/1/44 !vlan 10 name Mgnt by port tagged ethe 1/2/1  management-vlan default-gateway 1!vlan 12 by port!vlan 16 name TC2 by port tagged ethe 1/1/20 to 1/1/48 ethe 1/2/1 ethe 2/1/12 to 2/1/29 ethe 2/1/31 to 2/1/39 ethe 2/1/41 ethe 2/1/45 to 2/1/48  untagged ethe 1/1/14 !vlan 99 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port!vlan 172 name VOICE by port tagged ethe 1/1/20 to 1/1/48 ethe 1/2/1 ethe 2/1/12 to 2/1/29 ethe 2/1/31 to 2/1/39 ethe 2/1/41 ethe 2/1/45 to 2/1/48 !vlan 192 name ELAN by port tagged ethe 1/2/1 !vlan 300 name SecVideo by port                                     tagged ethe 1/2/1  untagged ethe 1/1/6 to 1/1/7 ethe 1/1/9 to 1/1/13 ethe 1/1/15 to 1/1/19 ethe 2/1/6 to 2/1/10 ethe 2/1/42 !vlan 301 by port tagged ethe 1/2/1  untagged ethe 1/1/8 !!!!!qos profile qosp7 sp qosp6 sp qosp5 25 qosp4 15 qosp3 15 qosp2 15 qosp1 15 qosp0 15aaa authentication web-server default localaaa authentication enable default enable noneaaa authentication login default localconsole timeout 15default-vlan-id 99enable password-displayenable telnet authenticationno ip dhcp-client auto-update enableno ip dhcp-client enableip multicast passive!qos-tos map dscp-priority 46 to 6logging host logging buffered 100mirror-port ethernet 2/1/13!telnet access-group hostallowtelnet timeout 15          !!clock summer-timeclock timezone us Centralweb access-group hostallowbanner exec ^CAny modifications to the configuration of this device requires preapproved permission by the District Network Team. ^C!banner motd ^CWarning: Property of Raytown C-2 Schools: Access to this device is granted solely to the District Network Team. Any unauthorized access will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ^C!banner incoming ^CIncoming Remote Session Initiated: Verify Identity…. ^C!ssh access-group hostallowhitless-failover enableinterface ethernet 1/1/1 port-name B4!interface ethernet 1/1/2 port-name D36!interface ethernet 1/1/3                                           port-name A18!interface ethernet 1/1/4 port-name B12!interface ethernet 1/1/5 port-name Liebert!interface ethernet 1/1/6 port-name E4 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/7 port-name E5 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/8 port-name D37 inline power trust dscp !                                                                 interface ethernet 1/1/9 port-name D38 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/10 port-name D39 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/11 port-name D40 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/12 port-name D41 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/13 port-name D42 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/14                                          port-name D43 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/15 port-name E20 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/16 port-name E1 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/17 port-name E2 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/18 port-name E3 inline power!interface ethernet 1/1/19 port-name E21 inline power                                                     !interface ethernet 1/1/20 port-name B3 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/21 port-name D35 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/22 port-name B7 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/23 port-name B8 dual-mode  16 inline power                                                      trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/24 port-name B17 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/25 port-name B18 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/26 port-name B19 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/27 port-name B20 dual-mode  16                                                     inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/28 port-name B21 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/29 port-name B22 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/30 port-name B25 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/31 port-name B26                                                     dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/32 port-name B27 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/33 port-name B28 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/34 port-name B23 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/35                                          port-name B24 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/36 port-name B29 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/37 port-name B30 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/38 port-name B35 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !                                                                 interface ethernet 1/1/39 port-name B38 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/40 port-name B5 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/41 port-name B9 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/42 port-name B11 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp                                                       !interface ethernet 1/1/43 port-name B13 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/44 port-name B15 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/45 port-name B33 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/46 port-name B31 dual-mode  16 inline power                                                      trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/47 port-name B6 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/1/48 port-name B10 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 1/2/1 mon ethe 2/1/13 both!interface ethernet 2/1/2 port-name A21!interface ethernet 2/1/3 port-name C1!                                                                 interface ethernet 2/1/4 port-name C2!interface ethernet 2/1/6 port-name D48 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/7 port-name E24 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/8 port-name E23 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/9 port-name D46 inline power trust dscp !                                                                 interface ethernet 2/1/10 port-name D47 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/11 port-name B12 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/12 port-name B16 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/13 port-name B34 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/14                                          port-name B32 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/15 port-name B14 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/16 port-name B39 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/17 port-name B40 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !                                                                 interface ethernet 2/1/18 port-name B41 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/19 port-name B42 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/20 port-name B43 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/21 port-name B44 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp                                                       !interface ethernet 2/1/22 port-name B36 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/23 port-name B46 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/24 port-name B47 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/25 port-name B48 dual-mode  16 inline power                                                      trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/26 port-name C3 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/27 port-name C4 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/28 port-name C5 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/29 port-name C6 dual-mode  16                                                     inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/30 port-name C1 trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/31 port-name A25 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/32 port-name C7 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/33 port-name C8 dual-mode  16 inline power                                                      trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/34 port-name C9 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/35 port-name C10 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/36 port-name C11 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/37 port-name C12 dual-mode  16                                                     inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/38 port-name C17 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/39 port-name C18 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/40 port-name C2 trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/41 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp                                                       !interface ethernet 2/1/42 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/43 inline power!interface ethernet 2/1/44 trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/45 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/46 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/47 dual-mode  16                                                     inline power trust dscp !interface ethernet 2/1/48 dual-mode  16 inline power trust dscp !!!!lldp tagged-packets processlldp med network-policy application voice tagged vlan 172 priority 5 dscp 46 ports ethe 1/1/11 to 1/1/48 ethe 2/1/11 to 2/1/48lldp advertise vlan-name vlan 172 ports ethe 1/1/11 to 1/1/48 ethe 2/1/11 to 2/1/48lldp run!!!!end  POE detailsPower Supply Data On stack 1:++++++++++++++++++Power Supply Data:++++++++++++++++++Power Supply #1:    Max Curr:      13.8 Amps    Voltage:       54.0 Volts    Capacity:      748 WattsPower Supply #2:    Max Curr:      13.8 Amps    Voltage:       54.0 Volts    Capacity:      748 WattsPOE Details Info. On Stack 1 : General PoE Data:                                                 +++++++++++++++++FirmwareVersion—————-01.6.7 Build 013Cumulative Port State Data:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++#Ports    #Ports     #Ports   #Ports    #Ports       #Ports     #PortsAdmin-On  Admin-Off  Oper-On  Oper-Off  Off-Denied   Off-No-PD  Off-Fault————————————————————————-43        5          40       8         0            3          0        Cumulative Port Power Data:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++#Ports  #Ports  #Ports        Power       Power                   Pri: 1  Pri: 2  Pri: 3  Consumption  Allocation———————————————–0       0       43        215.500 W   413.954 WPower Supply Data On stack 2:++++++++++++++++++Power Supply #1:    Max Curr:      13.8 Amps    Voltage:       54.0 Volts    Capacity:      748 WattsPower Supply #2:    Max Curr:      13.8 Amps    Voltage:       54.0 Volts    Capacity:      748 WattsPOE Details Info. On Stack 2 :                                                                   General PoE Data:+++++++++++++++++FirmwareVersion—————-01.6.7 Build 013Cumulative Port State Data:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++#Ports    #Ports     #Ports   #Ports    #Ports       #Ports     #PortsAdmin-On  Admin-Off  Oper-On  Oper-Off  Off-Denied   Off-No-PD  Off-Fault————————————————————————-40        8          30       18        0            10         0        Cumulative Port Power Data:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++                                                                  #Ports  #Ports  #Ports        Power       PowerPri: 1  Pri: 2  Pri: 3  Consumption  Allocation———————————————–0       0       40        186.800 W   337.889 WChassisThe stack unit 1 chassis info: Power supply 1 (AC – PoE) present, status ok     Model Number:    23-0000142-02    Serial Number:    V8K          Firmware Ver:      CPower supply 1 Fan Air Flow Direction:  Front to BackPower supply 2 (AC – PoE) present, status ok     Model Number:    23-0000142-02    Serial Number:    ZZN          Firmware Ver:      CPower supply 2 Fan Air Flow Direction:  Front to BackFan 1 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2Fan 2 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2Fan controlled temperature: 48.5 deg-CFan speed switching temperature thresholds:        Speed 1: NM<—–>64       deg-C        Speed 2:       54<—–> 80 deg-C (shutdown)Fan 1 Air Flow Direction:  Front to Back Fan 2 Air Flow Direction:  Front to Back                          Slot 1 Current Temperature: 35.0 deg-C (Sensor 1), 48.5 deg-C (Sensor 2), 41.0 deg-C (Sensor 3), 30.0 deg-C (Sensor 4), 41.0 deg-C (Sensor 5)Slot 2 Current Temperature: 26.5 deg-C (Sensor 1)Slot 3 Current Temperature: 31.0 deg-C (Sensor 1)Slot 4 Current Temperature: 31.0 deg-C (Sensor 1)    Warning level…….: 70.0 deg-C    Shutdown level……: 80.0 deg-CBoot Prom MAC : 609c.9fc5.2bd0Management MAC: 609c.9fc5.2bd0The stack unit 2 chassis info: Power supply 1 (AC – PoE) present, status ok     Model Number:    23-0000142-02    Serial Number:    V8L          Firmware Ver:      CPower supply 1 Fan Air Flow Direction:  Front to BackPower supply 2 (AC – PoE) present, status ok     Model Number:    23-0000142-02    Serial Number:    00F          Firmware Ver:      CPower supply 2 Fan Air Flow Direction:  Front to BackFan 1 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2                                 Fan 2 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2Fan controlled temperature: 48.5 deg-CFan speed switching temperature thresholds:        Speed 1: NM<—–>64       deg-C        Speed 2:       54<—–> 80 deg-C (shutdown)Fan 1 Air Flow Direction:Front to BackFan 2 Air Flow Direction:Front to BackSlot 1 Temperature: 36.5 deg-C (Sensor 1), 48.5 deg-C (Sensor 2), 40.5 deg-C (Sensor 3), 29.5 deg-C (Sensor 4), 39.5 deg-C (Sensor 5)Slot 2 Temperature: emptySlot 3 Temperature: 30.0 deg-C (Sensor 1)Slot 4 Temperature: 30.0 deg-C (Sensor 1)    Warning level…….: 70.0 deg-C    Shutdown level……: 80.0 deg-CBoot Prom MAC : 609c.9fc5.0450VERSION   Copyright (c) 1996-2016 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.    UNIT 1: compiled on May 19 2016 at 01:22:26 labeled as SPS08030h      (28713156 bytes) from Primary SPS08030h.bin        SW: Version 08.0.30hT211     UNIT 2: compiled on May 19 2016 at 01:22:26 labeled as SPS08030h      (28713156 bytes) from Primary SPS08030h.bin        SW: Version 08.0.30hT211       Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.06T215 (spz10106)  HW: Stackable ICX7450-48-HPOE  Internal USB: Serial #: 9901016120200256      Vendor: ATP Electronics, Total size = 1919 MB==========================================================================UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7450-48P POE 48-port Management Module      Serial  #:CYR3310N05V      License: BASE_SOFT_PACKAGE   (LID: eatIIGFpFKx)      P-ASIC  0: type B548, rev 01  Chip BCM56548_A0==========================================================================UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7400-4X10GF 4-port 40G Module      Serial  #:CYV3310N06L==========================================================================UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX7400-1X40GQ 1-port 40G Module      Serial  #:CYX3308N1AT==========================================================================UNIT 1: SL 4: ICX7400-1X40GQ 1-port 40G Module                          Serial  #:CYX3308N1FS==========================================================================UNIT 2: SL 1: ICX7450-48P POE 48-port Management Module      Serial  #:CYR3310N00X      License: BASE_SOFT_PACKAGE   (LID: eatIIGFpFFz)==========================================================================UNIT 2: SL 3: ICX7400-1X40GQ 1-port 40G Module      Serial  #:CYX3308N1N3==========================================================================UNIT 2: SL 4: ICX7400-1X40GQ 1-port 40G Module      Serial  #:CYX3308N1BW========================================================================== 1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus 8192 KB boot flash memory 2048 MB code flash memory 2048 MB DRAMSTACKID 1  system uptime is 6 day(s) 15 hour(s) 58 minute(s) 15 second(s) STACKID 2  system uptime is 6 day(s) 15 hour(s) 58 minute(s) 15 second(s) The system : started=cold start   My stack unit ID = 1, bootup role = activeFLASH Stack unit 1:  Compressed Pri Code size = 28713156, Version:08.0.30hT211 (SPS08030h.bin)  Compressed Sec Code size = 31678660, Version:08.0.30hT213 (SPR08030h.bin)  Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.06T215  Code Flash Free Space = 1777840128Stack unit 2:  Compressed Pri Code size = 28713156, Version:08.0.30hT211 (SPS08030h.bin)  Compressed Sec Code size = 31678660, Version:08.0.30hT213 (SPR08030h.bin)  Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.06T215  Code Flash Free Space = 1777852416Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can give.