Can the Ruckus Zoneflex 7962 AP operate in Standalone mode, or does it require a controller, like a WLC? I found a refurb at a great price, since I mainly wanted to just open it up to show my students how BeamFlex differs from Beam Forming (I’ve seen “parts-only models of the same AP go for 4x-5x the price)., If it’s capable of operating without a controller, I’ll definitely snap it up, since this would be the first Ruckus AP I’ve ever used, and I’m trying to introduce my students to as many different APs and other wireless devices as possible. The product PDF the seller linked to states this: “The ZoneFlex 7962 can bemanaged as a standalone
AP through a Web-based
GUI, using SNMP or through
the Ruckus FlexMaster Wi-Fi
remote management system. Local
management can also be performed
using the ZoneDirector Smart WLAN
controller.”(emphasis mine)If it really can be used standalone, I’ll happily snap it up tonight, even if I need to get just a power brick instead of a PoE injector, since it would stay indoors in the lab (although the PoE injector is preferable). Can anybody clear this up for me, before I pull the trigger on this? Thanks!